Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Funny Things To Do While You Are At The Movies

Have you ever been at the movies and wanted to do something crazy at the theater? If you answered yes, here is a list of 25 things that you can do before, during, and after the movie. *Warning* if you attempt some of these ideas, you may get kicked out and your time and money will be wasted. 1. During the movie, randomly start laughing like a hyena and wonder why everyone is giving you a weird look. 2. When you walk into the theater, get your tickets and say "I have to go to my dressing room to change into my Batman costume!" as loud as possible. Run to the bathroom at top speed. 3. When a funny part comes on, go apes*it and throw popcorn everywhere, laugh like a hyena, and spill your drinks, etc. and leave. Walk in 5 minutes later dressed as a random person and say, "What in God's name happened?" 4. Before the movie buy lots of drinks and insist on drinking these during the movie and run to the nearest bathroom as soon as the credits start rolling. 5. Buy lots of candy and bring it into the theater. Eat it and then walk out of the theater and start acting like a crazy person. 6. During the previews, run up to the front of the theater and yell "Batman is awesome!" 7. Run out of the theater yelling "I'm Ready!" like Spongebob. 8. During the movie, put your feet up on the seats and poke people in front of you. 9. Randomly say "Respect my authoritah!" 10. If you see someone in the movie wearing revealing clothes, say "When I grow up, I want to be a pimp!" 11. Bring in a four course meal and try to eat it during the movie. 12. When the theater goes dark, start making ghost noises and say "Dark." in a creepy voice. 13. Before the movie, run to the bathroom and spray glitter and glow-in-the-dark hair spray paint in your hair and walk out. When the theater goes dark, you will cause a light show. 14. When you are buying tickets ask if pets and/or chewbaccas are allowed in the theaters. If the manager and cashier say no, yell "This is an injustice!" "Free the pets and chewbaccas!" 15. Walk in the theater with a large hat and sit up front. 16. Wear sunglasses in the theater during the movie and wonder why everything is so dark. 17. Disturb the person next to you by doing countless things such lining up M&Ms on the person next to you. 18. Make a noise with your cellphone and have a panic attack. Run out of the theater at top speed and walk in 10 minutes later acting like everything is right with the world. 19. If you see a crazy driver in the movie, say "You could have caused an accident." 20. Bring in Pringles and make duck faces throughout the movie. 21. During battle scenes in the movie, make chewbacca noises. 22. Get into an argument with the person behind you or in front of you over something obvious. 23. During a death scene in movie, shout "I wanted to come (5 second pause) dressed as a potato!" 24. After the movie walk out saying "March, I must march!" 25. After you eat all the popcorn, sit on the popcorn bag and shout "I'm king of the hill!"

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